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Improving Motivation in the English Classroom: A Comprehensive Guide

Improving Motivation in the English Classroom: A Comprehensive Guide

By Guillermo de la Parra 

In the dynamic world of English language teaching (ELT), motivation plays a pivotal role in student success. When students are motivated, they are more engaged, focused, and likely to achieve their learning goals. As an ELT teacher, you have the power to ignite this spark of motivation within your students. 

This article will explore effective techniques you can implement in your classroom to enhance student motivation and create a positive learning environment. We will delve into the importance of motivation, the factors that influence it, and practical strategies to foster it among your English learners. 

The Importance of Motivation 

Motivation is the driving force behind learning. When students are motivated, they are more likely to: 

  • Participate actively in class 
  • Complete assignments on time 
  • Strive for excellence 
  • Overcome challenges 
  • Develop a lifelong love of learning 

A motivated student is a student who is eager to learn, willing to put in the effort, and capable of achieving great things. By fostering motivation in your classroom, you are not only helping your students succeed in English but also equipping them with valuable life skills that will benefit them long after they leave your classroom. 

Understanding the Factors that Influence Motivation 

Several factors can influence student motivation, including: 

  • Intrinsic motivation. This refers to the internal drive to learn for the sake of learning. It is fueled by curiosity, interest, and a desire for personal growth. 
  • Extrinsic motivation. This refers to external factors that motivate students, such as grades, rewards, or praise. While extrinsic motivation can be helpful, it is important to balance it with intrinsic motivation to ensure long-term engagement. 
  • Classroom environment. The physical and psychological atmosphere of the classroom can have a significant impact on student motivation. A positive and supportive environment can foster a love of learning, while a negative or unwelcoming environment can discourage students. 
  • Teacher expectations. Teachers’ expectations can have a powerful influence on student motivation. High expectations, coupled with support and encouragement, can help students reach their full potential. 
  • Student beliefs. Students’ beliefs about their own abilities and the value of learning can also affect their motivation. A growth mindset, which emphasizes the belief that abilities can be developed through effort and practice, is essential for fostering motivation. 


5 Practical tips for better communication between teachers and parents

We share with you some tips that can improve the interaction between both parties, reinforce trust and create a collaborative environment that encourages academic growth of students:

1.       Start with the positive

Start every conversation with positive affirmations about the student’s growth and development in class. Sharing specific examples helps parents feel involved in all aspects of their child’s learning, not just when things arise issues.

2.       Differentiate the media

Not every interaction needs to be a phone call. Use multiple channels, such as text messages, emails, or notes home, to maintain a constant and accessible communication.

3.       Address the negative with tact

When problems arise, adjust the medium based on the severity. For minor issues, a note or email may suffice, but for more serious cases, opt for a call or face-to-face meeting. Show understanding and offer a clear plan to help the student improve, without creating an atmosphere of confrontation.

4.       Take advantage of technology:

Use digital tools at your disposal, such as school portals, to enable parents to view relevant information about their children, such as grades and attendance. Make sure parents become familiar with these platforms so that they can stay informed.

5.       Generate trust and respect:

Listen to parents without interrupting, validating their concerns. Transparency is key: be honest about any academic or behavioral issues. This openness builds a relationship of trust and facilitates collaboration.


In summary, effective communication between parents and teachers is essential to creating a supportive and collaborative environment that directly benefits students. By starting with positive feedback, diversifying means of communication, and addressing challenges with empathy, the relationship is strengthened and teamwork is fostered that contributes to academic success. Taking advantage of technological tools and maintaining a relationship based on mutual trust and respect are key to ensuring that parents feel like an active part of the educational process of their children.

Improving Motivation in the English Classroom


  • Pink, D. (2009). Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. Riverhead Books.  
  • Aulia, A. F., Jamilah, J. (2024). Improving Students’ Motivation in English Learning through Positive Reinforcement. International Journal of Contemporary Studies in Education (IJ-CSE), 3(1), 50–60.  
