Secondary + Upper Secondary
Our innovative educational solutions provide opportunities for teenage learners to achieve learning success, apply their experiences, and explore the world around them.
Some series may be subject to on-demand availability in your country.
Secondary + Upper Secondary
Make Your Mark
Make Your Mark has a different approach to teaching and learning the English language, based on the study and analysis of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Teen Investigators
Teen Investigators proposes a methodology that motivates students and promotes communication by exposing them to creative challenges.
American on Course
American on Course develops communication skills and provides learners with a broad understanding of different cultures, lifestyles, and perspectives.
Crossover Plus
Crossover Plus promotes the acceptance of all cultures, socioeconomic situations, ages, races, opinions, and beliefs.
Secondary + Upper Secondary
i-world promotes critical thinking skills through meaningful communication activities and interactive tasks.
Upper Secondary
Crossover Higher
Crossover Higher explores global issues such as the environment, technology, and society in more detail.