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Increase your English learners' engagement

Increase your English learners’ engagement

Student participation in the development of their English language learning is very important; however, motivating them to do so is not always easy. It is valuable for students to feel enthusiastic about acquiring new knowledge, so teachers must employ effective strategies to encourage participation. In this article we share some tips to increase student participation in English classes.

1.  Group Activities

Working in teams is an ideal way to increase participation in English classes, as it promotes collaboration between students and reduces nervousness when presenting in front of the class. To this end, we can use dynamics such as the bottle game with an exchange of questions. During the game, students group themselves in a circle and when they spin the bottle, one of them will be selected to answer a question. This allows all students to get involved in the activity freely and without pressure. Likewise, with this game, vocabulary can be improved in a natural and enjoyable way through work as a team.

2.    Open and dynamic questions

Asking open-ended questions encourages students to give full, comprehensive answers, which stimulates in-depth class discussions. Asking simple, everyday questions like “What are you doing after school?” “What did you have for breakfast today?”

How to explain the meaning of learning?, or What does what is above mean? from the desk? This type of exercise encourages students’ imagination without forcing them to respond in a concrete way, stimulates the development of vocabulary and everyday language. In addition, it promotes the lack of fear of making mistakes and encourages all students to do their best.

3.    Using technology

Another very practical tip is to use technology in the classroom, because the way students receive class content changes. Students have the possibility of improving their English using virtual classrooms and learning applications that they can use outside the classroom. For example, there are interactive platforms that share dynamic activities to teach students how to improve their writing, composing, listening, etc. In addition, using videos, simulations, and other technological tools offers both students and teachers a variety of materials to capture interest, which is reflected in greater motivation to learn.

Increase your English learners' engagement

1.     Role play

Playing is a very effective way for students to get used to real situations so that they feel more confident in expressing themselves. They can choose the role they want to play. Whether it is a customer role in a department store that helps them practice their vocabulary, a traffic police officer to give directions, or a tour guide to reinforce pronunciations, these roles give them the opportunity to practice the language in real-life situations. Through this game, students can put their knowledge into practice in everyday, controlled situations, which significantly increases their fluency and interaction skills. In addition, this tactic trains them more effectively for future interactions in the language and gives them a greater sense of security.

2.    Evaluation by other peers.

Peer feedback is a great way to encourage active participation. By receiving constructive and thoughtful criticism, students not only improve their language skills, but they also learn from their mistakes.

Additionally, by asking questions, giving recommendations, and valuing the work of others, a collaborative environment is created that encourages everyone to continue improving in their own way to think and participate.


Increasing student participation is crucial to improving English language learning. Group participation, open-ended questions, use of technology, role-playing, and peer feedback not only make classes more dynamic, but also facilitate more effective learning.deep and meaningful. By employing these tactics, teachers can enhance students’ self-esteem and skills by establishing a stimulating and functional classroom environment.

Increase your English learners' engagement


Meinecke, MA (2022, August 31). Simple tricks to increase student engagement in class – Observatory / Institute for the Future of Education. Observatory / Institute for the Future of Education. to-increase-student-participation/ 

Julio, AJ (sf). The use of ICT in teaching English: The case of the School of English, University of Panama.

M, CEN, Leonardo, FG, & La Cruz Brocard Yisel, D. (sf). Proposal for participatory techniques to motivate interaction in English classes.
