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Mediation Technique in English Learners

Learn 5 Activities to Develop the Mediation Technique in English Learners 

Mediation is an important technique during second language learning, which goes beyond translating or interpreting. Mediation involves facilitating understanding and the exchange of ideas between people, in this case students; adjusting language and words so that everyone can interact.

This strategy allows students to learn the language passively and also become active intermediaries in the communication process, which will reinforce their mastery of the English language. By mediating, students can understand and reformulate their ideas, which improves their language skills. Read on to learn some examples of how to apply mediation techniques in class.

Activities for Developing Mediation in English Language Learners

1. Translate and Summarize

This is an activity that works on mediation and at the same time, it also improves the ability to synthesize. It can be complemented by asking the student to explain the text that is being worked on in his or her own words in his or her native language.

Example in class: You can assign a short article in English and ask students to explain it in Spanish or in simple language. The student can then share their ideas with their classmates, encouraging dialogue and clarifying doubts.

2. Negotiate meanings

Work on activities in which you have to share and discuss the meaning of a situation, phrase or word; manage interaction and facilitate communication in situations of agreement and disagreement.

Practical example: Divide students into pairs and give them a list of expressions or words with multiple meanings. Ask them to explain how they understand each expression and negotiate a common meaning. This activity is useful for working on confusing terms or colloquial expressions, which often vary depending on the cultural context.

3. Role play

Simulate real-world situations in which the student has to mediate, for example being a store manager or a teacher.

Example situation: One student takes on the role of a tourist who needs directions, while the other takes on the role of a tourist information worker who must explain how to get to different places. This type of interaction encourages the use of functional language and allows them to practice their English in a practical context.

Mediation Technique in English Learners

4. Simplify

An applied example could be dividing students into two teams, to which the same text is shared and both teams must share central ideas and understanding of the message regarding the text.

Team example: Divide students into groups and assign a complex text. Ask them to read it, extract the key points, and present a simplified summary to the rest of the class. This also encourages collaborative work, as everyone must agree on the most important ideas.

5. Group discussions

In this example exercise, a student does not have to listen to a discussion of a certain topic carried out by the rest of the class. Once that discussion is over, a student who was in the class has to convey the main points of the discussion; the student who does not know what was discussed should be able to understand the key ideas based on the mediation provided.

Classroom example: After a class discussion on a current topic, the teacher selects a student to summarize the main points to a classmate who did not participate. This exercise helps develop communication and synthesis skills.

Advantages of mediation in the English classroom

● Students learn to interpret, transfer or summarize freely and appropriately in English.

● Allows you to add, paraphrase or delete parts of a message.

● Improves student engagement and classroom communication.

● The skill of mediation is applicable to situations inside and outside the classroom.

● It helps to understand the messages, it does not require an exact translation in terms of words.

Importance and Conclusion

Mediation provides better preparation for contexts such as travel, social interaction and the classroom. This process turns students into multilingual communicators, allowing them to interpret and explain concepts between different languages both in their own and in the acquired language.

Classroom mediation skills and tasks prepare students for the challenges of the world outside the classroom, better develop the acquired language and improve their communication.

Mediation Technique in English Learners 


  • Tinedo-Rodríguez, AJ (2024, April 29). Mediation as a strategy for learning a second language. The Conversation. Segundo-idioma-226029
  • Castro, MS (nd). Mediation in ELE classes: An activity that enhances plurilingual and intercultural competence. Cervantes.Es. Retrieved October 17, 2024, from
