Prep for Life
Kim Milne, Jeremy Edgar, Ivor Williams

American English
The communicative course that prepares students for higher education and work.
Prep for Life reviews what students have previously learned and creates a solid foundation for the next stage in their lives. The course builds general knowledge so that students communicate actively and productively. This is achieved through activities related to different fields of work that help them improve their career prospects and use technological resources effectively. Prep for Life encourages learning through experience. Authentic texts give students the opportunity to read, listen, and respond critically, and to express and defend ideas and opinions.
Prep for Life provides everything students need, including:
- Full coverage of the skills needed for effective communication.
- A comprehensive approach to language functions.
- Collaborative and interactive use of technology.
- Development and practice of the four skills.
- Peer and self-evaluation.
The virtual learning environment includes:
- Digital books for interactive whiteboards.
- Test generator.
- Online projects.
Common European Framework: A1+ to A2+
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